Welcome to the Bend Like Bamboo Program

A program designed to maximise resilience, and your health. 

As a Sports Kinesiologist, Speaker and Author, it has become my passion to help people every day, to transform their mind, body and life. When we can effectively embrace the changes that we all experience in our lives, without feeling exhausted, lost and unwell, we can find the inner courage to heal and transform. 

My intention for this course is to inspire you to go on a journey within, and feel empowered to overcome any setback that are you faced with. When we can give our mind and body the best environment to be flexible, we are more adaptable and open to change.

This also gives us the best environment to repair and transform our lives. 

Master flexibility to boost resilience. 

Give the mind and body the best environment to rebuild your mind, body and life.

Flexibility in our mindset impacts everything that matters:

Our body’s ability to repair, how happy and resilient we are, and how connected we feel.

A full body workout for the mind and body.

Using functional stretches and exercises, we can shift our mindset into one that promotes positivity and repair.

Nourish yourself on a cellular level.

When we eat better, we feel better. Every meal is an opportunity to renew. Focus on foods that maximise repair, get the Happy Food Recipe eBook.

The best environment to adapt to change and repair. 

Wash and empty the mind of old stories, redundant and limiting beliefs, with the power of meditation and connection.

A morning and evening ritual of journaling.

Close the tabs in the mind. Rewire the brain to focus on the positive promoting repair and possibility.

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